B'more Careful

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I think I will take a lover. I'm tired of acting virtuous, pretending that this is the 50s and a dreamy kiss goodnight on my doorstep is the culmination of all my girlish desires. I'm 28 for God's sake! Who am I fooling?

I'm tired of listening to "time's winged chariot drawing near." I'm tired of pretending I'm scandalized by dirty jokes. I'm just tired of fussing with a losing proposition. Yet, biology is insistent. So here is my list of qualifications:
  • Good looking
  • Passionate
  • Willing to experiment
  • Possessed of some fatal flaw that makes him ultimately resistable (bad conversationalist, underemployed, Libertarian)
  • Fun
  • Sufficiently messed up in his own head that he doesn't judge me
  • No weird guilt complexes

Now, Dr. Y, you BETTER not have told you-know-who about this blog. THAT would be mortifying.

And if any dear readers think of any candidates and/or additions to my list of qualifications, by all means, comment away.


  • Libertarian is a fatal flaw which makes someone ultimately unacceptable lover material, in my opinion. You should have some standards.

    By Blogger Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 9:27 PM  

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