The past few days, I've been exhausted. On Saturday, the Potatoes, Swims with Dolphins, and I went to the quarry, played Settlers of Catan which is AWESOME, and then saw "An inconvenient Truth" at the Charles. Next day, Sister Red, her boyfriend, his sister, and I went to mass and lunch. Then, the World Cup with Mom, and consoling Dad, who was passing a kidney stone. Today, there was blood work a-go-go and a session with Moonpie, the hippy dippy chiropractor. Phewww.
All this is to explain why I took a three hour nap this afternoon, during which I had a vivid dream. My mother, sister, and I were climbing a steep hill to see a waterfall and a cavern. The first part of the ascent was completely vertical, and we climbed without harnesses or belays or other mountaineering accoutrements. We were wearing backpacks.
My mother went first, and at the top of the vertical incline, nearly fifty feet in the air, she managed to pull herself over the ledge. My sister was next. I should go back to say that the going was very, very slow, since Mom was first. We'd climb step-pause-step-pause-rest-step, just as you'd imagine mountaineering with your nearly retired Mom might go.
Well, when my sister reached the ledge, my mother leaned over and grabbed the straps of her backpack, and hauled her to safety. I was next, and my sister grabbed my straps and pulled, so that I was swinging like a baby in a basket, back and forth through the air, waiting for the motion to ease so she could drag me up, else waiting the plummet to what was certainly death or terrible injury.
The most interesting part of the dream was how calm I was as I swung. I told myself to leave the plummeting or the rescue to the future where it clearly belonged, and enjoy the rocking motion as much as possible, and the wonderful feeling of adverturing with mother and sister, the characters of my life before memory.
I woke up before the incident was resolved, but I think it was heading towards me be pulled to safety.
All this is to explain why I took a three hour nap this afternoon, during which I had a vivid dream. My mother, sister, and I were climbing a steep hill to see a waterfall and a cavern. The first part of the ascent was completely vertical, and we climbed without harnesses or belays or other mountaineering accoutrements. We were wearing backpacks.
My mother went first, and at the top of the vertical incline, nearly fifty feet in the air, she managed to pull herself over the ledge. My sister was next. I should go back to say that the going was very, very slow, since Mom was first. We'd climb step-pause-step-pause-rest-step, just as you'd imagine mountaineering with your nearly retired Mom might go.
Well, when my sister reached the ledge, my mother leaned over and grabbed the straps of her backpack, and hauled her to safety. I was next, and my sister grabbed my straps and pulled, so that I was swinging like a baby in a basket, back and forth through the air, waiting for the motion to ease so she could drag me up, else waiting the plummet to what was certainly death or terrible injury.
The most interesting part of the dream was how calm I was as I swung. I told myself to leave the plummeting or the rescue to the future where it clearly belonged, and enjoy the rocking motion as much as possible, and the wonderful feeling of adverturing with mother and sister, the characters of my life before memory.
I woke up before the incident was resolved, but I think it was heading towards me be pulled to safety.
It better have ended safely! If your sister dropped you, that would be the WORST! Plus, I don't think I would want to CLIMB with anyone who drops their sister.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:48 AM
I would not drop my sister. But I would not go climing without mountaineering accoutrements. I'd probably carry a few extra accoutrements just in case.
-Dr Y.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 11:30 AM
That is good that you wouldn't drop your sister! For that matter, I wouldn't drop your sister either. And climbing with accoutrements is sound policy, so long as they are mountaineering accoutrements, like a helmet. Dr C. says to always climb with a helmet! :)
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 11:47 AM
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