posted by Jean Luc Petard at 1:55 PM
Merry Christmas to you too! I hope Dr Y gives you lots of good LOOT!Here is a Santa Claus emoticon for you all :)*-={:-)}}}>-Dr C
By Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 2:15 PM
Wee fish, ewe, a mare, egrets, moose, panda, hippo, gnu, deer.
By c1150, at 2:30 PM
Completely awesome CARL. that's right. you're no longer anony-moose. and dr. chompers...don't give Dr. Y baby seals. She CLUBS them. It's who she is and what she does.
By Jean Luc Petard, at 7:06 PM
Oh noes!! I've been sussed out! Where did I go wrong? Or did Dr Y squeal? I've always said you can't trust a Yalie. Go Harvard! Beat Yale!
By c1150, at 8:54 PM
Maybe I gave it to her so she could practice her clubbing. Then, she could make some tasty seal stew and maybe a seal fur muffler.Anyway, I hope that Dr Y was nice to you and got you lots of goodies.
By Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:33 AM
I am the nicest!!
By Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 3:05 PM
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Merry Christmas to you too! I hope Dr Y gives you lots of good LOOT!
Here is a Santa Claus emoticon for you all :)
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 2:15 PM
Wee fish, ewe, a mare, egrets, moose, panda, hippo, gnu, deer.
c1150, at 2:30 PM
Completely awesome CARL. that's right. you're no longer anony-moose. and dr. chompers...don't give Dr. Y baby seals. She CLUBS them. It's who she is and what she does.
Jean Luc Petard, at 7:06 PM
Oh noes!! I've been sussed out! Where did I go wrong? Or did Dr Y squeal? I've always said you can't trust a Yalie. Go Harvard! Beat Yale!
c1150, at 8:54 PM
Maybe I gave it to her so she could practice her clubbing. Then, she could make some tasty seal stew and maybe a seal fur muffler.
Anyway, I hope that Dr Y was nice to you and got you lots of goodies.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:33 AM
I am the nicest!!
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 3:05 PM
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