Well, loyal readers, not much going on aside from the TORRID LOVE AFFAIR with Robin, my very own boy wonder. Hee, hee.
In Arts & Entertainment, Mama and Grandpa Petard and I went to see Charlie Brown's Christmas followed by a performance by the Eric Byrd Trio. I'd forgotten the good parts, like when Sally, Charlie's little sister, says in reference to her Christmas list, "All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share." Me, too.
On second thought, I most definitely don't want what's coming to me.
This weekend, the Petards are going to see "Amahl and the Night Visitors" or as Reds said this morning, "A Mall and the Night Visitors?"
The posse is also going ice skating. I am a wee bit ambivalent. I'll have no Dr. Y to hold my hand and give me crucial pointers like "turn" and "avert disaster!"
I am hereby opening the comment section to suggestions for what Dr. Y and I should do for a GRAND DAY OUT when she comes home for the holidays. No fair suggesting "avert disaster!"
In Arts & Entertainment, Mama and Grandpa Petard and I went to see Charlie Brown's Christmas followed by a performance by the Eric Byrd Trio. I'd forgotten the good parts, like when Sally, Charlie's little sister, says in reference to her Christmas list, "All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share." Me, too.
On second thought, I most definitely don't want what's coming to me.
This weekend, the Petards are going to see "Amahl and the Night Visitors" or as Reds said this morning, "A Mall and the Night Visitors?"
The posse is also going ice skating. I am a wee bit ambivalent. I'll have no Dr. Y to hold my hand and give me crucial pointers like "turn" and "avert disaster!"
I am hereby opening the comment section to suggestions for what Dr. Y and I should do for a GRAND DAY OUT when she comes home for the holidays. No fair suggesting "avert disaster!"
I am feeling ambivalent as well to ice skating. How about BYOB duckpin bowling? I tried to leave a comment on Robin's blog but I got rejected. TORRID LOVE AFFAIR! I want to pinch your cheeks and giggle.
Hmmm...bonding with Dr. Y... I don't know Dr. Y, but I bond with Prego by renting old favorite movies, making childhood favorite foods and being goofballs. Or shopping. But we don't have fine tastes and Prego laughed for about 15 minutes over a modified "Deep Thought" I put in her birthday card...
SwD, at 7:38 PM
As someone who has had many GRAND DAYS OUT, and has spoken extensively on the subject of GRAND DAYS OUT, SALLYS, and general ADVENTURING with the esteemed and travelled Dr Y, I suggest that you let Dr Y take you skiing.
Ahh, but GRAND DAYS OUT with Dr Y are generally the BEST, so you can't go wrong... even if you are wearing the wrong trousers!
Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:48 PM
Oh, and another thing that you two could do is go to a shooting range.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 8:20 AM
I would note that 'turn' and 'avert disaster!' are generally sound principles to apply when in doubt.
In terms of grand days out, we could go and shoot guns at targets in a firing range. I did that once and it was a lot of fun.
Or we could visit the highest point in MD (http://www.americasroof.com/md.shtml) which happens to be nearby to both the smallest church *and* the smallest post office in the lower 48.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 11:29 AM
Here's what you should do: painstakingly recreate the introductory montage to "Laverne & Shirley" together. Those ladies certainly seemed to be having a lot of fun.
paperback reader, at 3:24 PM
Hey! How come you aren't approving comments?
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 4:12 PM
Shooting range! A friend actually shoots clay pigeons near Aunt Petard's house. We could hold our fire until we see the whites of their eyes! Sweet.
Jean Luc Petard, at 8:16 AM
I totally feel approved of now. Thank you for giving me a feeling my cold, distant, alcoholic father never will...
And incidentally, I'm sorry if my inability to fill out forms made anyone feel less than approved of. I am also sorry if you disapprove of ending a sentence with a preposition, but I will not edit that last sentence, only apologize for it. Quit hasslin' me.
paperback reader, at 10:40 AM
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