Well, commentators absconditus, I've been laid low with a bout of nuisance flu. But no flu could keep me from low key Halloween high jinks! SwD and I dressed as Caliban (me) and the foul witch Sycorax (SwD). We wore adorable matching costumes, resplendent with stuffed tails and head pieces, liberated from the Drama Club closet. We then gathered at Cptn America's for pork BBQ.
Recalling that WI lives only a few blocks from Cptn America, A, SwD, and I went a-trick-or-treatin'. Got me a Nutrageous - snack sized. Walking home, with A holding my tail to keep it from dragging in the crisp, autumn leaves - I said "Damn. I'm twenty-nine and I'm trick-or- treating..."
And A said, "I'm thirty and I'm trick or treating."
And then we high-fived.
Recalling that WI lives only a few blocks from Cptn America, A, SwD, and I went a-trick-or-treatin'. Got me a Nutrageous - snack sized. Walking home, with A holding my tail to keep it from dragging in the crisp, autumn leaves - I said "Damn. I'm twenty-nine and I'm trick-or- treating..."
And A said, "I'm thirty and I'm trick or treating."
And then we high-fived.
Who went as Ariel in the cloven tree?
Grown-up trick or treating is the best.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 4:26 AM
Even better than grown-up trick or treating is sitting in the bushes with the hose. Then when those pesky kids won't get off your damn lawn, you can drench 'em with water.
grumble grumble grumble :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 11:38 AM
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