Shoobie doobie do...passing the time until mass. We're doing the 6 p.m. young folks' service tonight.
Speaking of religion, a nod to my politically-active friends of the Jewish persuasion for getting us off for Rosh Hashanah! (That didn't come out right.) Happy New Year! In the spirit of the holiday, I repent of all the gay comments I've made in real and blog life. It's a weird fixation and time twas fixed.
In the society column, Dr. Brown joined the Fries and I for Settlers of Catan yesterday evening. Dr. B and Mr. Fry are altogether too like-minded. They collaborated on the utterly Puritanical move of calling wood "lumber," thereby robbing Small and I of at least three dirty chuckles.
Well, there is more to report, including an adventure, but God calls.
Speaking of religion, a nod to my politically-active friends of the Jewish persuasion for getting us off for Rosh Hashanah! (That didn't come out right.) Happy New Year! In the spirit of the holiday, I repent of all the gay comments I've made in real and blog life. It's a weird fixation and time twas fixed.
In the society column, Dr. Brown joined the Fries and I for Settlers of Catan yesterday evening. Dr. B and Mr. Fry are altogether too like-minded. They collaborated on the utterly Puritanical move of calling wood "lumber," thereby robbing Small and I of at least three dirty chuckles.
Well, there is more to report, including an adventure, but God calls.
6pm mass??? That's the 'youth mass.' whatever happened to getting dressed up in your sunday best and going to a proper 8:00am service?
Just kidding. I did my Irish ancestors proud by winning big on the ponies today.
Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 6:20 PM
6 p.m. mass is for the young folk who are too hungover for 8 a.m. mass.
Jean Luc Petard, at 10:28 PM
So when are you going to enlighten Dr Y and myself with tales of your grand adventure that you alluded to?
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 10:26 AM
No can do...Not for public consumption. I'll email Dr. Y and she can use her discretion vis a vis hollering my exploits from the mountain tops.
Jean Luc Petard, at 3:04 PM
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