Sometimes I want to grow talons like Wolverine and just rip myself out of my life. I'm so well-behaved; I lead such an orderly existence.
I do have those moments when I look around and think "this is it?" But then I've got the sense to know that it was hard enough work to get to this point, and besides it took me forever to figure things out.
When you're a girl, you dream about growing up. Then when you're grown...well there you are.
Sometimes you want to toss your real life away and have an adventurer's life where things come easy and conversation always sparkles and there's not a decomposed mouse corpse under your desk at work.
I do have those moments when I look around and think "this is it?" But then I've got the sense to know that it was hard enough work to get to this point, and besides it took me forever to figure things out.
When you're a girl, you dream about growing up. Then when you're grown...well there you are.
Sometimes you want to toss your real life away and have an adventurer's life where things come easy and conversation always sparkles and there's not a decomposed mouse corpse under your desk at work.
I think you're looking at this wrong. Clearly a decomposed mouse corpse left under your desk by your enemies indicates that their tactics are escalating. Prepare your emergency Adventure jump bag. Things are about to heat up.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 3:25 AM
I think that you should go on more adventures! Then you will be more prepared to face your enemies if they ever jump out of the shadows to confront you.
Personally, I try to have as many adventures as possible... even the ones that take me to foriegn lands where doing something as simple as buying dinner can be considered 'an adventure'.
ps- you must not have the mulligrubs! That is no way to start an adventure
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 6:15 AM
Hey International Playgirl,
My distinguised colleague Dr Chompers and I just had a Grand Day at the Races and came back quite a few EUR richer thanks to a 25:1 long shot owned by an Arab sheik. You should come visit; we could have adventures blowing your salary on the horses. It's more fun than dead mice and existential malaise.
Dr Y.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 3:33 PM
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