Holy carp! This news just in! You may want to sit, Drs. Y & C...
Tiny dot on Jupiter turns from white to red.
This is almost as exciting as the time the tiny stick turned from white to red when my friend peed on it. ALMOST, but NOT QUITE.
Tiny dot on Jupiter turns from white to red.
This is almost as exciting as the time the tiny stick turned from white to red when my friend peed on it. ALMOST, but NOT QUITE.
As a professional doctor, I'd have to say that it's infected. Have they seen any red streaks coming from it?
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 7:49 AM
Hey abhorsen, the Garth Nix books are ok so far (p 214 of Book 1), but I tell you the Hungry Cities are way better. Just sayin'
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 3:05 PM
Who writes them and are they in English, my Dead Hand?
Jean Luc Petard, at 4:38 PM
I want to be a Free Magic construct!
Yes they're in English. They're by (I think) Philip Reeves. Chompie has my copies.
The first one is called Mortal Engines. There are 4 books; the first two are good, the second two decline dramatically.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 2:51 AM
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