Clarification: I just wanted to make clear that the Flying Dutchman is really a very neat person. He likes The Count of Monte Cristo because of the revenge part - which even you must admit, Dr. Y - is deliciously misanthropic. And I'm sure he does not read Men's Health, on the can or elsewhere, because he is CULTURED, and he runs marathons, and in short, I feel terrible about holding him up for public ridicule. I only did it because I liked him, and he didn't call me, and I was A WOMAN SCORNED.
Maybe the whole blog thing is wrong. I hold people up - with only the thinest veneer of anonymity - for contempt or admiration or whatever. But who am I to hold anyone up for anything? If this were the UK, I could be brought up on charges of libel or slander or libelous slander. Or criminal conversation. :) Well, not for that. Not anymore. :)
I should blog about something utterly benign. Like breeds of cow. (Hee, hee.)
Maybe the whole blog thing is wrong. I hold people up - with only the thinest veneer of anonymity - for contempt or admiration or whatever. But who am I to hold anyone up for anything? If this were the UK, I could be brought up on charges of libel or slander or libelous slander. Or criminal conversation. :) Well, not for that. Not anymore. :)
I should blog about something utterly benign. Like breeds of cow. (Hee, hee.)
If you won't hold people up for close scrutiny by the anonymous and unaccountable, then who will? Still, I hold people who run marathons in high regard.
One is certainly free to blog about whatever.... I am sure that if you blogged about cows, some dairy farmer somewhere might get offended that you focused more on Jersey cows rather than his beloved Dutch Belted (for instance...) And yes, I had to look up cow breeds because who knew there was such a thing. I thought one cow was as good as another! :)
-Dr C.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 7:41 PM
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