Well, things are swimming right along here in the Petard-i-verse. Our charitable arm has been mighty busy: a walk for cancer last Sunday, volunteering at an afterschool program for inner city kids on Monday, and picking up trash in public yesterday. Picking up other people's trash sucks! But we did discover 1. dead bird 2. a massive railroad spike 3. a cherry tree and 4. that one should really not wear low rise jeans when bending over repeatedly. Va va voom.
The social committee has been busy as well. Had lunch and deep conversation with Swims w/ Dolphins yesterday. Had pot luck and highly amusing conversation with the Fries, the Indians with Melodic Names (IwMN), the Flying Dutchman, and some new characters last night.
I made nice with the Flying Dutchman, but I cannot feel comfortable with him. I shouldn't take things so much to heart...I did make a new friend (maybe) who is quite handsome and when I asked him his favorite artist, he said "Pink Floyd." Which is a great answer. He told me stories about Vishnu and Ganesha and how all sorts of things came to pass in the Hindu mythos. I wanted to fall asleep then, it was so pleasant and lovely...
Well, today I'm doing nothing. Nothing I tell you!
I'm going to try to find those books, Dr. Y. Or as I shall call you henceforth: Moggie.
The social committee has been busy as well. Had lunch and deep conversation with Swims w/ Dolphins yesterday. Had pot luck and highly amusing conversation with the Fries, the Indians with Melodic Names (IwMN), the Flying Dutchman, and some new characters last night.
I made nice with the Flying Dutchman, but I cannot feel comfortable with him. I shouldn't take things so much to heart...I did make a new friend (maybe) who is quite handsome and when I asked him his favorite artist, he said "Pink Floyd." Which is a great answer. He told me stories about Vishnu and Ganesha and how all sorts of things came to pass in the Hindu mythos. I wanted to fall asleep then, it was so pleasant and lovely...
Well, today I'm doing nothing. Nothing I tell you!
I'm going to try to find those books, Dr. Y. Or as I shall call you henceforth: Moggie.
His favorite artist is Pink Floyd? Is the Dutchman over 18, or being a bit charitable, out of college? Yes? RUN AWAY!!!!
Pink Floyd afficionados are almost as bad as Jazz afficionados in terms of the asshole factor, besides which, at least jazz afficionados tend to admire great artists. Is there no other artist he likes more than something one tokes up to whilst playing Wizard of Oz with the sound off??
AND he reads German Men's Health on the can.
You can do better.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 11:36 AM
By the way, I hope Mogget makes something of himself in the later books. He's cute, but I'm not going to like it if he turns out to be totally evilll.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 11:38 AM
Oh, and one more thing. Did that scene at the end of Sabriel in the reservoir with the Dead in the water remind you an awful lot of the scene in the Cave Lake with the Inferi at the end of HP?
Mogget the geek.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 11:45 AM
I think that you should get the Hungry City books. They are quite good. And you get to read about adventures and aviatrices and 'urbivores' :)
And while I do enjoy a spot of Pink Floyd from time to time, noone should EVER list them as their favorite artist. I won't even go into that Pink Floyd isn't an artist, just like Jethro Tull isn't an artist :)
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 10:13 AM
Dr Chompers,
I think there could be an argument that a band may constitute 'an artist' in a collective sense in cases where the band doesn't consist of one Artist and some backup musicians. But making that argument does detract from the main point, which is the utter lameness of a grown man (or woman) claiming Pink Floyd as their favorite.
Dr Mogget
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 11:56 AM
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Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 1:39 PM
Clarification: The Flying Dutchman -he of Wuthering Heights and Don Quixote- does NOT cite Pink Floyd as his favorite artist(s). The new one - let's call him the Cricketer - he likes Pink Floyd. Which may or may not be an artist.
Jean Luc Petard, at 4:03 PM
And who deleted his/her comment. Come on...no Indian giving.
Jean Luc Petard, at 4:04 PM
I deleted my own comment because sticking my tongue out at Dr Y did not contribute to the conversation
Dr c.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 4:11 PM
Mme Petard you must be careful with your antecedants. It sounded like you were saying, 'Dutchman didn't work out, but I did make a new friend', ie Dutchman became a new friend.
Anyway, point stands about Pink Floyd, regardless.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 4:13 PM
Also, if your new friend is of the Indian persuasion, you must not use terms like 'indian giver' :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 4:16 PM
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