Well, Boris broke up with me, citing "no time to have relationship." Which is better, I suppose, than "turned off by your chunky thighs" or "really into dudes."
Anyway, is anyone keeping a running tally? I must be up for some sort of record by now.
Anyway, is anyone keeping a running tally? I must be up for some sort of record by now.
I maintain that whatever record you hold simply shows that you are blessed with the ability to have hope in the opposite sex. You are not bitter and resentful, and therefore you are going to end up finding a man perfect for you,a man who cherishes you the way you deserve to be cherished but also challenges you in the ways you need to be challenged. You will find a man who is your equal and a compliment to who you are. While there were many positives about Boris, perhaps he simply wasn't the man for you. I know the right guy is out there somewhere. In the meantime, I love you and we will have game night so we can gawk at Scarlett A's roommate!
SwD, at 6:30 PM
Ahh that is too bad.These things do happen with dissertating grad students, but it's still no fun.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 5:32 AM
Yes, I also am sorry to hear about that. From experience, graduate school is murder for relationships.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 7:13 AM
My relationship during my previous graduate work was extremely long distance and therefore not demanding at all. To be honest, I cannot imagine having had a real relationship during that time. I had enough breakdowns without having to manage time with another individual. As I return to graduate school for my 3rd grad degree (am I on crack?!?), we will see how the relationship works out...although I am again going for the long distance thing...although not as far this time...but with a fussier man.
Anyway, again, everything will be alright. You are lovely :) And you will remain lovely either as a single woman or when you end up with the right guy :) Remember, it could be worse...you could be dating Atlas...hahaha
SwD, at 9:29 AM
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 9:53 AM
And what would be wrong with dating Atlas? There is not much wrong with musclebound men who can carry the weight of the world on their shoulders :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 11:07 AM
That Atlas has ginormous nuts. Just pointing it out. Like you didn't remark upon it internally yourself.
Jean Luc Petard, at 1:26 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 2:58 PM
I'll try that again:
I hadn't noticed how big his bits were. But, he isn't nearly as good looking as this guy or this guy!
I prefer the former :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 3:02 PM
That second guy has some sort of vegetation for a schnizzle. Weird.
Jean Luc Petard, at 7:45 PM
Let me offer my "Aaaaw, that's too bad, sweetie" to the pile, and ask where are the naked marble women? with or without genital foliage
c1150, at 10:53 PM
Nekkid marble women aren't the opposite sex of Jean-Luc.
If J-L doesn't want to date Atlas, she should consider this guy
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 3:20 AM
Here you go! :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 5:54 AM
Dr. Y,
I had no idea classical art could be so dirty.
Dr. C,
Thanks, but I'm of the "10 fingers, 10 toes" school of beauty.
c1150, at 9:13 AM
Dr. Y,
Your dude quite proves wrong the big feet = big schnizzle theory. He's got some whomping big tootsies!
Jean Luc Petard, at 10:29 AM
Well, Greek and Roman aesthetics were that small genitalia are more attractive, in sculpture at least. See Priapus for example.
c1150, at 10:52 PM
I am highly amused. About a year ago, Atlas and I were nicknaming people at our place of employment and he was unsatisfied with the uncreative nicknames other people gave him. I handed him a notecard at work that said Priapus on it (as a joke). What an interesting direction for this blog/comment thread to take!
PS. For reference about mine and Jean Luc's Atlas, refer back to a blog from sometime in November I believe. As far as I know, there are no statues of him...Thank God!
PPS. Dr. Y, holy cow about that last image you added. He is lounging in quite a...ummm..."comfortable" position...
SwD, at 2:31 AM
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