Today, the international play adolescents and I were reading "The Tortoise and the Hare," which of course led to a discussion of superiority, as the hare proclaimed himself to be the most superior of animals.
So I asked the class, "What is it that makes Man superior, above all other animals?"
And one of my dear boys let out an excited squeal. "I know! 'Cause we've got hair!"
I rolled my eyes at my co-teacher. And she said, "That's not right. What about bald people?"
The answer I was going for was "intelligence."
The answer my dear student was answering was "What makes Man a mammal?"
So I asked the class, "What is it that makes Man superior, above all other animals?"
And one of my dear boys let out an excited squeal. "I know! 'Cause we've got hair!"
I rolled my eyes at my co-teacher. And she said, "That's not right. What about bald people?"
The answer I was going for was "intelligence."
The answer my dear student was answering was "What makes Man a mammal?"
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Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 2:42 AM
What I meant to say is, your question is a loaded one insofar as no animal without flippers could be considered superior to your average pinniped.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 4:36 AM
If hair makes for a superior animal, then we certainly wouldn't be at the top of the ranks. And if we want to argue superior organism, there some bacteria that are mightier than man. And if conclude that viruses are living, they are kicking our butts. We can't even conquer the common cold.
All of that aside and maintaining man's superiority, I might argue for opposable thumbs...I shudder to think what dolphins would do with the terrible power of thumbs...
SwD, at 9:28 AM
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