Ah, it's that time of year again, when some beast slouches towards Bethlehem to be born and better yet, the Petards gather to beat the joy out of traditions that were once magical (or at least prescient of presents). During the mandatory tree trimming today, Dr. Y MOST FOOLISHLY recalled an alledged conversation we had last year in which I supposedly defended Q for voting for George Bush. In '04. I don't remember this. Of course, Papa Petard interpreted this as "Jean Luc voted for Bush in '04" so I got swatted upside the head and threatened with disinheritance. So I decided that for every five minutes my father knawed on this particular bone, I would punch Dr. Y in the arm. I hope I left several bruises.
We all make mistakes, from defending such people to dating them in the first place to bringing it back up for our own mean amusement. I have defended veganism to friends and family, which is a largely indefensible position, sort of like Paris, which is apparently so butter-rich in its cuisine and military defenses that invading armies slice like a hot knife through them, disemboweling them and revealing the delicious croissants inside of all French people, who are, after all, like whatever the French word for pinata is.
That is a very long sentence. But note that I did not misspell "gnawed" anywhere in it. Christmas snap!
paperback reader, at 10:32 AM
I ran 12.24 MILES!!!
I'm just sayin, that's all :)
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 11:14 AM
See, I will defend people who at one time were barely able to lumber their way towards breakfast and now thanks to proper genetic function cannot count the number of miles they run on both hands. That is impressive, and will not cause me to look back in cringing embarrassment or to commit acts of violence against my relatives when they bring it up.
I will also do my duty to make sure that no Petard ever loses his, her, or its mind enough to proceed to the Bush-vote-defending stage of infatuation. If I have to take a couple of lumps in the process, so be it.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 1:15 PM
I would posit that there are few if any reasons to run 12 plus miles (and really, after 12, the .24 is just nitpicking) since the invention of the horseless carriage has made such distances far more easily traversable.
And also, if you're done with that cross of martyrdom, Dr. Y, there are some Romans who would like to use it.
paperback reader, at 3:37 PM
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