B'more Careful

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Did you ever notice how many bad smells resemble LEBANON BOLOGNA? Strange, but true.


  • speaking of things that stink, from your christmas present/title: "Striving for uniqueness, each P*ssy Pound member was branded with three dog print tattoos..." This "author" starts the book by declaring that people are running "as if it were a race," which is one of the weakest similes around, and now she attempts to show the group's uniqueness through a symbol they all share? "The symbol was so one of a kind, they all got one." Amazing.

    By Blogger paperback reader, at 12:43 AM  

  • You are soooooo reading urban chick lit. Hee hee.

    By Blogger Jean Luc Petard, at 4:35 PM  

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