B'more Careful

Friday, December 29, 2006

SUPER YAY FOR DR. CHOMPERS AND HIS 12.DR. Y AND I CAN'T REMEMBER RUN! I, personally, have never accomplished such a thing. I also will personally challenge Pistols at Dawn to...um...pistols at dawn. Chompers, we are your athletic supporters!


  • 'Tis true. As I noted to Dr. Y the other night, I get winded merely saying "12 mile run." Were it a 12 KILOMETER run, well, then, I wouldn't even make it to "run" without needing a cup of water from a bystander and a twenty minute break to rest up for the second leg of that phrase. So well done.

    And I submit that you and I have a lazy-off competition, ma'am. First person who mentions the competition or doing anything about it loses.

    By Blogger paperback reader, at 3:06 PM  

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