Today, I was discussing gender differences with my young playboys and playgirls in training. One playboy explained that men are good at some things, and girls are good at other things.
"What's an example of something boys are good at?" I asked.
"Wood," he answered.
"What's an example of something boys are good at?" I asked.
"Wood," he answered.
Hmmm, gender differences are tough. For instance, I know a guy who loves to do the dishes. Some might argue that this is something that girls should be good at (not me though, I'd never take that side).
Conversely, he has a female friend who loves to snarf on snacks while he does the dishes. Snack snarfing is traditionally thought of as a male gender role... he snarfs snacks while she does the dishes, and all that.
Some might argue that this is a good division of labor. After all, stuffing snacks down your gaping maw takes lots of energy. I, on the otherhand, believe that snack snarfing should be gender neutral.
I wish I had some snacks right now :)
- Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:35 PM
There is a school of thought that promotes the notion that men and women (zygotes) only exist to produce gametes.
Lord knows I've made and wasted as many gametes as there are stars in the universe, or so I'd like to believe. But five of my gametes have gone on to be able to produce their own gametes.
And so it is with most of us, the ballet (or circus, if you're into that kind of sex) of Life continues...
Bert Bananas, at 11:02 PM
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