Pssst. It is almost Dr. Yakalumpf's birthday. She will be very, very old tomorrow.
She will be so old that children will mistake her for an immutable feature of the landscape, like Morla from The Neverending Story, whose home is the Shell Mountain somewhere in the deadly Swamps of Sadness.
She will be so old that God will phone to reminisce, asking "remember 10-43 of a second? That was totally awesome."
She will be so old that she'll forget things, and her internal monologues will begin to sound like this:
Now, where did I store those nuts for the winter?
I know they're around here somewhere...
Oh! Now I remember! I'm not a squirrel! I must be getting old...
Your Sister
(Who will be two years younger for eternity, for which she is eternally grateful.)
She will be so old that children will mistake her for an immutable feature of the landscape, like Morla from The Neverending Story, whose home is the Shell Mountain somewhere in the deadly Swamps of Sadness.
She will be so old that God will phone to reminisce, asking "remember 10-43 of a second? That was totally awesome."
She will be so old that she'll forget things, and her internal monologues will begin to sound like this:
Now, where did I store those nuts for the winter?
I know they're around here somewhere...
Oh! Now I remember! I'm not a squirrel! I must be getting old...
Your Sister
(Who will be two years younger for eternity, for which she is eternally grateful.)
I will, of course, always be 2 years wiser than my younger sister as well.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 2:46 PM
Dang, I missed Dr. Yakalumpf's birthday, again. We're friends from college, in Annapolis. On an unrelated post, I hope you ceremony went well Sunday.
c1150, at 1:23 PM
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