I often wish I had a camera in my head so that I could tape things as I experience them. Usually, I wish this when I've just experienced something so patently ridiculous that I have become alone in the world with my knowledge of this utter ridiculosity. Like on Monday, when I went to North Bay, a retreat for...international play children (IPC). Here's the link:
Well, as the IPC disembarked from their school buses, all the North Bay counselors (a rainbow- colored crew of post-college, pre-real job lookers with artfully tousled hair) gathered at the bottom of the bus steps and CLAPPED as the children emerged. Like "Woo hoo! You descended three steps! Woo hoo!" or more probably "Let's celebrate you! Being here now!"
Let's just say my amygdala almost stood up and walked out of that movie in my mind.
Well, as the IPC disembarked from their school buses, all the North Bay counselors (a rainbow- colored crew of post-college, pre-real job lookers with artfully tousled hair) gathered at the bottom of the bus steps and CLAPPED as the children emerged. Like "Woo hoo! You descended three steps! Woo hoo!" or more probably "Let's celebrate you! Being here now!"
Let's just say my amygdala almost stood up and walked out of that movie in my mind.
Did these people smell bad? Or is the amygdala also that part of the brain responsible for film criticism?
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 12:44 PM
Yup, Siskel, Ebert & Amygdala. Commonly known trio of critics.
Jean Luc Petard, at 2:18 PM
Nice try, folks, but I believe amygdala was Natalie Portman's character in the new, crappier Star Wars movies.
Let's face it, for the kids going to places like this, there's nothing else in their life worth cheering about, save for, "Yay, you dodged drunken Daddy's punch...oh, but you walked right into that one."
paperback reader, at 3:56 PM
So even stranger than watching the North Bay squad clap and cheer was living it. I was assigned the job of chaperoning a bus (even though I tried to weasel out of it and catch a ride with Petard). Upon arrival, a North Bay staffer got on the bus and gave us instructions for disembarking, specifiying that as the teacher I should be the first off the bus. Okay, I think, I am in the front seat so this makes sense. I gather my bags (I had my camera bag and my laptop bag and then a duffel stuffed with warm clothes and snow boots for the week) and as I am stumbling, tripping and squeezing out the bus doors, five overly enthusiastic staff members cheer and clap.
I wonder what they would have done if I had been graceful...
SwD, at 9:47 PM
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