Things that make me less afraid:
- my dad
- quiet in church so I can tune in to bigger things
- bouncy music
- my sister
- children needing me
- my chiropractor
- snuggling
- being snuggled
- combing horses
- my girlfriends
- driving (especially with bouncy music on the radio)
- my bed at home
- having to be the one who is less afraid when I am with a friend
- tea with milk and sugar
See, there might very well be things to fear, but there are also things to make me less afraid. Or stated mathematically:
f - x = f
X being, as always, tea with milk and sugar.
Things that make me less afraid: weaponry. Mace, scimitar, trident, it doesn't matter. It's all kosher.
Things that make me very afraid: Chuck Norris. That guy's lightning-quick reflexes would make mincemeat of me. And I don't even like mincemeat.
paperback reader, at 10:38 AM
Talking with my friends definitely makes me less afraid. It also helps when other friends are in emotional turmoil because you have to rise in strength. It is a nice give and take, sometimes being the one in need and sometimes the one offering a shoulder. I also enjoy talking to the source of my fear (if the source is capable of communication). For example, when I have fears about my relationship with CrocodileGangi, I talk to him. He is supportive whether I am stressing over how to make it work or over the need to, at some point, break up.
Of course, if one were to encounter Chuck Norris, I don't think the weaponry would do much good...
SwD, at 2:22 PM
I'm going to be honest: the ability to seamlessly transition from "break up" to Chuck Norris is impressive. And you are right about the weaponry being of little use, for as we all know, before going to sleep, the boogeyman checks underneath his bed for Chuck Norris.
paperback reader, at 3:55 PM
CrocodileGangi! F'in awesome.
Jean Luc Petard, at 4:18 PM
Personally, I prefer my courage in liquid form.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 12:34 AM
I agree with my esteemed colleague Dr Y. Courage in its liquid form cannot be beat!
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 12:07 PM
I agree as well, though the "liquid form" has given me a new fear: Chuck Norris in liquid form. Dear God, what could we do but somehow die even more quickly?
paperback reader, at 1:35 PM
blogs that are updated on a regular basis also make me less afraid :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 10:44 AM
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