Last week, my boss called me into his office to read me a quote. He'd selected it just for me from the book of sayings that he assaults his underlings with on a daily basis. The quote was:
The woman who thinks she is intelligent demands equal rights with men. A woman who is intelligent does not. -Colette
Then, my boss was like, "True, eh? Eh? Hah, hah, hah. What do you think? True, huh?"
(It was a put-me-in-my-place. I am too uppity.)
I replied, "Colette? She was a prostitute."
[My deepest apologies to Colette. She was only a dance hall girl and a voluptuary.]
And my boss said, "Heh, heh, heh. I don't know who any of these people are. I mean, I went to college, but all I learned was how to make screw drivers in a trash can."
So, in essence, I was told not to think I'm so smart by a man who can make screw drivers in a trash can.
Point taken.
The woman who thinks she is intelligent demands equal rights with men. A woman who is intelligent does not. -Colette
Then, my boss was like, "True, eh? Eh? Hah, hah, hah. What do you think? True, huh?"
(It was a put-me-in-my-place. I am too uppity.)
I replied, "Colette? She was a prostitute."
[My deepest apologies to Colette. She was only a dance hall girl and a voluptuary.]
And my boss said, "Heh, heh, heh. I don't know who any of these people are. I mean, I went to college, but all I learned was how to make screw drivers in a trash can."
So, in essence, I was told not to think I'm so smart by a man who can make screw drivers in a trash can.
Point taken.
I've got to be honest: this whole post sounds awful uppity.
The question that comes to mind: why the addition of "in a trash can?" Isn't making a screwdriver difficult enough without imposing space requirements? And wouldn't a truly intelligent person say, "You know, I bet this would be a lot easier if I extricated myself from this trash can?" Or maybe: "Why did I ever think getting into this trash can was a good idea?"
I am really confused now.
paperback reader, at 10:47 AM
When certain boss was told of the numbing temperature of my hall, he replied:
Why don't you ask ____ (a highly educated, environmentally aware coworker), I think it has something to do with global warming.
No, I did not email you to laugh at the temperature, I emailed you because I AM FUCKING COLD! and I want you to actually do something about it. It's only been below 65% in my room for two weeks!
Cold people do not like humor about being cold.
Cryan, at 6:10 PM
What I like about this man: he actually defied logic in this case to make fun of one of your coworkers. After all, global WARMING rarely makes things colder. I don't know much about science, but I believe that would be global cooling.
However, I enjoy your last line enough to side with you. I'm like a faceless Roman in the crowd during Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," agreeing with whoever spoke last.
(Incidentally, should I ever need to hit on the environmentally aware, I shall say: "My love for you burns like the Amazon rainforest. Let's make our clothes disappear like the ozone layer over Australia.")
paperback reader, at 10:39 AM
Jean Luc...Short of today, January 25, 2007, I am out of words. When this blog was first posted, I wrote a dissertation of responses to the boss. My rational mind, which rarely surfaces, convinced my hot-tempered mind to settle down and not put in print anything I wouldn't want certain others (aka the boss) to read.
Now, after the wallet/cell phone incident, which we shall call RED (self-titled name of "gang" involved) Theft 2007, I feel my entire unpublished dissertation was not severe enough. I am not one to let injustices pass or to fail in correcting problems I feel must be fixed. For example, I managed to get my passport from Massachusetts (where I had forgotten it) to Maryland (where I was about to go to the airport) in time for me to make my flight. As to this, I have no clue as to a feasible solution. Thoughts??
SwD, at 6:20 PM
P.S. Pistols, that pick-up line rocked with the exception that the hole in the ozone layer is over Antarctica. I hope someone uses it on me one day.
SwD, at 6:22 PM
SWD - let me know when you're into a guy and need him to sound as intelligent as me, and I'll give him some lines. For example, in the case of your correction, he'd say: "Oh, is THAT what the ozone hole is over? I was too busy thinking about how I'm going to be all over you later to get my facts straight."
My greatest regret in life may be my inability to hit on myself.
Oh, and when someone disrespects you, you cut them, right in front of everyone. Right on his face, so for the rest of his life, his nickname is "Damn! What the hell happened to your face?" That is Bethesdan justice.
paperback reader, at 10:31 PM
One of two things must happen: you must post more often, or I need to make more friends who write blogs. Since I am abrasive and unlovable on my best days, clearly, you need to write more.
paperback reader, at 4:22 PM
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