B'more Careful

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Well, I had another hot date last night. This time, with A, who never leaves a girl wanting more. We had drinks (she bought), and then lounged at the Charles, waiting to see "The Lives of Others" or as I call it "So That's What the 80s Looked Like in East Germany. A Whole Movie's Worth. Sweet."

As A and I lounged, we gabbed about movies and music and books, because we are the same person in those regards. A reminded me that she'd seen Chris Cornell recently. I said, "Oh the guy from Alice in Chains?"

And she said, "No, that's Lane Staley. Chris Cornell was from SoundGarden."

And I said, "Oh, yeah...They're both hot. I'd love to be in a Chris Cornell/Lane Staley sandwich. That would be one rocking sandwich."

And then I realized that I'd said the most dumb ass thing of my life.


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