The education of every young international playgirl or playboy includes a good dose of THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Which is why my proteges and I were reading "Pursuit of a Dream," a gripping biography of Rosalind Franklin. (For a less gripping biography, see
Since every gripping biography is followed by literal recall questions, my proteges were asked to respond to this penetrating query, "Who won the Nobel Prize for discovering DNA?"
My future Gloria Steinem answered thusly:
Wilkins, Crick, and Watson won the Nobel Prize for not discovering DNA.
She gets to use the Lear jet next week.
Since every gripping biography is followed by literal recall questions, my proteges were asked to respond to this penetrating query, "Who won the Nobel Prize for discovering DNA?"
My future Gloria Steinem answered thusly:
Wilkins, Crick, and Watson won the Nobel Prize for not discovering DNA.
She gets to use the Lear jet next week.
Every young playboy and playgirl ought to also learn the lesson, 'don't leave your data where other people can get at it.'
I liked this sentence from the wikipedia article:
"Whereas it is true that there was a dining room for the exclusive use of men...many male scientists refused to use the male only dining room owing to the preponderance of theologians."
One wonders if 'theologians' here isn't a euphemism for something.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 6:55 AM
It could be a euphemism, or it could be like those tutors that didn't like eating in the tutor room and ate with the common folk.
c1150, at 10:06 AM
Are you suggesting that tutors who ate in the tutor room were "theologians"??
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 1:16 PM
Well it did seem to be the ones with a religious bend. But no, I meant, maybe the male scientists liked to be out in the world with the students and what not not locked away in a segregated room.
c1150, at 3:24 AM
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