Last Huzzahs
The summer of *undetermined* is almost over, and to celebrate, the friends had a game night to oogle Scarlet A's HOT new roomate, ROCKETBOY.
Me gusto mucho, Scarlet A. He's got all the qualities I've always found HOT: fast/large vehicles, soulful eyes, and a mildly OCD interest in the rules of games.
Only one caveat: veiny forearms. Which isn't exactly a character flaw. Just makes me think about INJECTIONS (and not of the "hot beef" variety).
So I say well done, Scarlet A. It'll be fall all too soon, and long sleeved shirts will cover his shame.
The summer of *undetermined* is almost over, and to celebrate, the friends had a game night to oogle Scarlet A's HOT new roomate, ROCKETBOY.
Me gusto mucho, Scarlet A. He's got all the qualities I've always found HOT: fast/large vehicles, soulful eyes, and a mildly OCD interest in the rules of games.
Only one caveat: veiny forearms. Which isn't exactly a character flaw. Just makes me think about INJECTIONS (and not of the "hot beef" variety).
So I say well done, Scarlet A. It'll be fall all too soon, and long sleeved shirts will cover his shame.
You could introduce him to 'Killer Bunnies'. As far as I can tell, that game is nothing but pointless rules. Dr Y can back me up here.
Even though I've only played that game once, I can easily say: Worst. Game. Ever.
But I have little tolerance for any game, no matter how much booze might be flowing. I recall this one time when I made the poor decision to play "Lord of the Rings" Risk. That game couldn't end fast enough, and one of the more annoying people in the group insisted on 'strategy' to prolong the agony.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 1:53 PM
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