Well, I've emerged from surgery UNSCATHED, except for three holes in my stomach. Which begs the question:
How can slicing through stomach muscle I clearly don't have hurt so damn bad?
Also, welcome Erin and Dan. Tell us more about yourself and I'll give you a cool nickname!
In other news, I'm on PERCOSETS. Which just makes me feel a little woozy, but apparently allows others (i.e. Daddy Petard) to wax philosophical about how when he goes, he now wants his ashes scattered around the oak tree so he can mingle with its roots and lend it his strength and vitality.
That is seriously what he said. It was obviously the Percosets talking.
How can slicing through stomach muscle I clearly don't have hurt so damn bad?
Also, welcome Erin and Dan. Tell us more about yourself and I'll give you a cool nickname!
In other news, I'm on PERCOSETS. Which just makes me feel a little woozy, but apparently allows others (i.e. Daddy Petard) to wax philosophical about how when he goes, he now wants his ashes scattered around the oak tree so he can mingle with its roots and lend it his strength and vitality.
That is seriously what he said. It was obviously the Percosets talking.
Can you hear the sounds of silence on your PERCOSETS?
It is good that you have emerged from surgery not on the 'great beyond' side of things. Think of how many more MPs there are out there to embrace!
'Erin' and 'Dan' sound like pseudonyms to me. I bet they're really shady characters.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 1:26 PM
Hummmm. I wonder if Dan lives in Boston...?
Jean Luc Petard, at 6:09 PM
Bah! Pish-posh!!!
I look down my nose at those who live in Boston. Bunch of slack-jawed troglodites who say things like wicked. Nothing but yadoods, if you ask me.
Unknown, at 6:59 PM
hey there! just want to say hi and hope you are speadily recovering!! you are missed at work, not just for you working habits, but for you company!! Feel better!
Cryan, at 8:37 PM
Of course everyone knows that the finest living is over the river on the Cambridge side of things. It must be the Percosets talking.
Go Pats!
c1150, at 10:00 PM
Perco-whatevers are my favorite. I still have a bunch of them from when I had my eyeball surgery a few years back.
I agree with Dr Y. Interlopers who randomly show up on blogs can't be any good at all.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 10:36 AM
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