I've decided to recreate the library I had when I was a child. My first aquisition was "George and Martha" by James Marshall. (You remember, Dr. Y. The split pea soup.)
Anywho, I'd forgotten this particular tale called "The Tub." It goes:
George was fond of peeking in windows.
One day George peeked in on Martha.
(She throws tub out window and onto his head.)
He never did that again.
"We are friends," said Martha. "But there is such a thing as privacy!"
It made me giggle.
I recommend "Frog and Toad Together"
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 8:48 PM
I don't remember the split pea soup.
I hardly remember George and Martha, but the picture brings it back.
I remember Gaston and Josephine, though.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 8:36 AM
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