Well, I had a DATE last night. Broke the streak. And it was very nice.
The following things did NOT happen:
1. He did not suck on my fingers over the platter of baba ganoush.
2. He did not make a hat out of his napkin and say, "Guess who I am?...Aunt Jemima!"
3. He did not have his dead cats' cremains on top of his television. (Actually, I didn't go home with him, so he MIGHT, but he seems more the dog type.)
4. He did not pretend to arrest me in order to cop a feel. (pun intended)
5. He did not go to the bathroom when the check came.
He DID pay for dinner, walk me to my car, and haul my ass off the sidewalk when the high heeled boots I was fool enough to wear turned treacherous.
So, all around, not an unpleasant way to spend a Friday evening.
Tonight, the gals and I are getting pickled. A not unpleasant way to spend a Saturday evening.
The following things did NOT happen:
1. He did not suck on my fingers over the platter of baba ganoush.
2. He did not make a hat out of his napkin and say, "Guess who I am?...Aunt Jemima!"
3. He did not have his dead cats' cremains on top of his television. (Actually, I didn't go home with him, so he MIGHT, but he seems more the dog type.)
4. He did not pretend to arrest me in order to cop a feel. (pun intended)
5. He did not go to the bathroom when the check came.
He DID pay for dinner, walk me to my car, and haul my ass off the sidewalk when the high heeled boots I was fool enough to wear turned treacherous.
So, all around, not an unpleasant way to spend a Friday evening.
Tonight, the gals and I are getting pickled. A not unpleasant way to spend a Saturday evening.
I am a little afraid to ask, but, did those 5 things actually happen? If so, this is making me fearful of entering the dating scene again.
c1150, at 1:19 PM
I've heard each of these stories individually from Dr Y. I cannot imagine anyone acting so odd on a date (let alone a 1st date...)
well, now you know what doesn't work on a date, so you should take that knowledge with you and dive in head first.
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:04 PM
Thanks Dr C,
I can't imagine that sort of thing either. I guess I should be happy about how good I'll seem in comparisson...
c1150, at 10:20 PM
c1150, you can also try not enlivening the conversation by posing hypothetical ethical dilemmas such as, 'suppose you were evacuating a building on 9/11 and there was some land whale blocking the way, would you shove them aside to get past, or would you patiently follow behind?'
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 2:07 AM
By the way, I just noticed: cats' cremains. How many cats? Was there like a row of urns up there, or were they all mixed together?
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 4:54 AM
Oh ho! Good memory, Dr. Y! Of course the "land whale scenerio" as it will henceforth be called was on a third or fourth date. Which was, I believe, also the last date.
If memory serves, there were two cats' cremains. Side by side. A very small row.
And c1150, Dr. Chompers is an optimist. You're only hope is that you will be dating the female of the species. My guy Friday shared that his worst date ever "dated the drummer from Kix (or was it Styx?) and wouldn't stop talking about it." No competition with cat cremains there.
Jean Luc Petard, at 7:18 AM
Correction: Your only hope (no mocking)
Jean Luc Petard, at 7:19 AM
I remember the landwhale question too. When you add it to the list, one is naturally inclined to ask the following question:
Where do you find these people?
As a scientist, I'm just curious.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 12:22 PM
You've got to kiss a lot of frogs, Chompers. Lots of frogs.
Jean Luc Petard, at 1:43 PM
Glad it went well! I look forward to more tales as the dating (fingers crossed) continues!
And man are there a lot of frogs out there to kiss. The Frog to Prince ratio is TERRIBLE! In fact, Frog to Decent Human Being ratio is terrible.
Which one sucked your fingers?
I am bored at work and my work email is not functioning which is preventing much productivity from me.
SwD, at 2:31 PM
I do hope to be dating females, yes. But I also fear I will be someone's "bad first date" over and over again. I have a bad habit of talking about things I know I shouldn't but I can't stop my mouth.
As far as Kix or Styx looks like it one of those 6 of one deals.
c1150, at 9:13 PM
Hey JLP-
Dr Y and I were wondering if you got invited on a 2nd date...
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:02 PM
Dr. Chompers-
Nope. Thanks for rubbing salt in the wound.
Jean Luc Petard, at 5:09 AM
Well, I hope you at least got good and pickled with the gals?
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 6:17 AM
I'm sorry to hear that, JLP. If you'd like, I have a 19th century book with instructions for making frog traps and spears, it may speed up the process.
c1150, at 8:34 AM
Word to the wise, c1150, keep that frog trap book under wraps until at least the second date.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 10:38 AM
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