Again, I've lapsed with the blogging. Although I am indeed an international playgirl, I have a day job, and it's been sucking my will to live again, as day jobs are wont to do. But I'll never bore my faithful readers with details of the day job, except to say I've spent a week with a blood-sucking bat, and I got just what I needed last night in a transfusion of meeting new people, some of whom endeavored to be pleasant and entertaining!
The Potatoes and I met up with Reds and her significant other (S.O.) at THE CAT'S EYE PUB. (The S.O.'s dad was in the band.) Also on hand: the Diva (who sang divinely as ever), two Loyolans, and my new friends from blackmarket yoga class: The Swan and her husband, the Kestrel. I'll 'splain the noms de guerre. The Swan has the most willowy, graceful neck I've ever seen on a woman. Not that I'm a lesbian or Peter and the Wolf or anything. And her husband has a kestrel tattoo (bigger than lifesize) on his leg. They are delights, both.
I did notice that the women at the bar who were not of my party sat silent, looking glazed and coiffed and too cool for school. How come only my girlfriends have lively conversation? I shouldn't like to be a man, I think. I wouldn't want to try and make time with a cold statue with nothing to say for herself. In all fairness, maybe the women are tired or shy. But still, I'm happy that I was with some lively ones last night.
NB: Sweet Potatoe has lost 10 lbs! Congratulations! Soon, I will call her Small Fry. :)
The Potatoes and I met up with Reds and her significant other (S.O.) at THE CAT'S EYE PUB. (The S.O.'s dad was in the band.) Also on hand: the Diva (who sang divinely as ever), two Loyolans, and my new friends from blackmarket yoga class: The Swan and her husband, the Kestrel. I'll 'splain the noms de guerre. The Swan has the most willowy, graceful neck I've ever seen on a woman. Not that I'm a lesbian or Peter and the Wolf or anything. And her husband has a kestrel tattoo (bigger than lifesize) on his leg. They are delights, both.
I did notice that the women at the bar who were not of my party sat silent, looking glazed and coiffed and too cool for school. How come only my girlfriends have lively conversation? I shouldn't like to be a man, I think. I wouldn't want to try and make time with a cold statue with nothing to say for herself. In all fairness, maybe the women are tired or shy. But still, I'm happy that I was with some lively ones last night.
NB: Sweet Potatoe has lost 10 lbs! Congratulations! Soon, I will call her Small Fry. :)
Ahhh, we want more dirt! Just because Dr Y and myself do not post, it does not mean that we aren't reading and waiting on the edge of our seats for new news!
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 11:46 AM
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