The astronomer writes poetry.
About astrological phenomena.
Am I mad to think that's kind of sweet?
I do wish all men could understand what I am saying like Robin did. I wonder if you have to give up somethings to get other things. Probably.
The astronomer asked me out to dinner. I bet that afterwards, he'll invite me upstairs to look at his globular clusters. (He already sent me a picture via email.)
About astrological phenomena.
Am I mad to think that's kind of sweet?
I do wish all men could understand what I am saying like Robin did. I wonder if you have to give up somethings to get other things. Probably.
The astronomer asked me out to dinner. I bet that afterwards, he'll invite me upstairs to look at his globular clusters. (He already sent me a picture via email.)
Wait, he sent you a picture of WHAT??? I hope globular clusters are a euphamism for... ... globular clusters.
I'm not going to comment on the poetry, unless he is writing poetry about his globular clusters....ewwww
I don't know if it's sweet or not. Now, if he wrote letters or poetry to you daily, that would be sweet.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:37 PM
I just want to know what 'astrological phenomena' are.
Because I know you're smart enough to know that they're not the same thing as 'astronomical phenomena', or anyway you ought to be. Best get clear on that before your date.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 1:28 AM
You know, Dr. Y, like "when Jupiter aligns with Mars and peace will guide the planets and lo-o-o-o-ve will steer the stars."
Okay I am VERY tired, and I made a mistake. Suck my globular clusters.
Jean Luc Petard, at 5:14 AM
That's not a very nice thing to say to someone who just saved you from a mortifying mistake on your dinner-date.
Where are you going to eat?
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 8:13 AM
It may not be nice, but it was kind of funny.
c1150, at 8:49 AM
How was your date? Was his appetite as voracious as a black hole? I hope he didn't say that your eyes were like two bright stars that could guide sailors lost at sea... :)
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 3:54 PM
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