B'more Careful

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm just about leaving for my third bridal shower of the summer. Only a bachelorette party or two and two weddings to go. Or as I see it:

$50 * 2 + $50 * 2 + $20 (wrapping paper and cards) added to $300 already spent = $520 dollars spent this summer on gal pals getting hitched.

$520. Or as I see it:

1 month's rent

I don't begrudge my friends' their happiness - please believe. If only I didn't mind appearing cheap to those I love! Then it'd be socks and underwear all around!


  • Socks (especially the wolly type) and underwear are perfectly acceptable presents to either give or receive!

    More importantly: $500/month for rent??? You've got it good. I can't find a decent place for under $1000 where I live...

    By Blogger Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 7:49 AM  

  • Jean Luc, I have but one word. AMEN!

    PS. Love you! Miss you! And seeing as I will never get married, you will be spared at least one set of bridal showers/bachelorette parties/weddings.

    By Blogger SwD, at 9:04 AM  

  • don't forget Jack and Jill bridal/baby showers. those are the worst of the worst!

    By Blogger Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 1:02 PM  

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