This weekend, Dr. Y and I were joshing each other about being old maids.
But think about this, dear sis-tor. If we lived 100 years ago, we'd be some old-as-shit maids. We'd probably have had dowager humps and gout by now.
But think about this, dear sis-tor. If we lived 100 years ago, we'd be some old-as-shit maids. We'd probably have had dowager humps and gout by now.
So is it dowager humps that Fergie is singing about? And gout is the lumps? Now it's all perfectly clear.
c1150, at 9:08 AM
Yeah, we woulda been so old, we woulda had GALLSTONES.
That's how old we would be.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 10:35 AM
yeah, and don't forget webbed feet!
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 2:00 PM
Good one, Chompers. :)
Jean Luc Petard, at 5:05 PM
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