It is 9:43 a.m. and already it is a bad, bad day! First, I went to school because it was only 2 hours late. Of course, as soon as I get there, they cancel it. On my way out, I tripped on some broken up sidewalk and fell into a big sinkhole of frozen dirt water. My knee is all skinned up.
Whooooaaa is me!
Whooooaaa is me!
bummer. hope you day got better!!
Cryan, at 4:30 PM
I hope that you made yourself a HOT TODDY when you got home! I suggest the following combination:
rum + some sort of hot tea w/ lemon
then you should have 4 or 5 of them.
-Dr C
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 5:22 PM
Dr. Chompers, you speak my language. The Irish, of course, use whiskey, add cloves, and call it "punch."
Jean Luc Petard, at 6:42 PM
punch??? gee, my good Irish grandparents called that cold medicine.
Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 8:01 PM
"By the pipers, he cried happily, here is the elixir of youth innocuously in its mundane perfection!
He handed the bottle to Hackett and reached up for another. The label was,
A glass three times a day or as required assures lasting benefit to the kidneys, stomach, and nervous system. As recommended by doctors, nurses and geriatric institutions.
- Mind you, that's not a bad sedative for the inner man, Mr Brannigan said seriously. Many ladies in the town are very partial to it...
The tonic was, as one suspected it would be, a cheap red wine heavily fortified. Its social purpose was clear enough. It enabled prim ladies, who would be shocked at the idea of entering a public house, to drink liquor that was by no means feeble, in the defensible interest of promoting health."
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 8:38 PM
I agree with Dr C, you need a tonic or 4.
Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 8:39 PM
I'm not going to tell you to drink, but I will share a story.
Many many years ago, my younger sister fell asleep whilst on the telephone. The next morning we had an apocalyptic ice storm, and my mother and I wondered why she hadn't been called about a school delay or cancellation [she worked for the school district] but we figured they would have called if such a thing was afoot. So I walk the mile to the high school to get with in yards of it, when the superintendent pulls up along side me in his car and says, "you know, school's canceled today."
So I was a bit peeved, and even more so when I walked back home and found out that the reason we didn't hear was my sister. We never listened to the radio or watched TV for the closings because my mom was called right after they called the TV and radio stations.
So, basically, all these years later I kind of know what you mean.
c1150, at 9:13 PM
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