B'more Careful

Monday, May 28, 2007

Good luck to Dr. Y on her press conference! Here's hoping that "moire-ing" doesn't "interfere" with her pinstripe jacket and cause her boobs to appear saggy and conical!

Presentation Suggestions:

(1) Greet your audience. For example, you may say:

*I am delighted to be here in front of ASS today. (Now is not a good time to joke about how you generally ARE in front of ass.)

(2) Then, spend most of your time developing your greeting. For example:

*I have been interested in ASS since I was an undergrad.

(3) End by repeating your conclusion and repeating, where appropriate what you think the next step in this line of research will be.

*The next step will be for ASS to get behind more research into holes and things holes should be doing, but aren't.

:) Good luck sis-tor.


  • I can attest to the fact that Dr Y did nothing to shock the audience or embarass herself. Her press conference was very impressive.

    By Blogger Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 9:24 PM  

  • Hey BMC-

    What's shakin? How come you haven't posted in a while. We are all waiting to hear more cautionary tales :)

    -Dr C

    By Blogger Dr Chompers, Ph.D, at 7:19 AM  

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