B'more Careful

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Well, today was Valentine's Day. One of my international play students - let's call him Jose - asked me to be his valentine as he entered my room. I told him to take his seat. He proceeded to flourish a pen at me as if it were a rose and sink to his knees. Whereupon he begged me to be his valentine as the rest of the class hooted and cheered.

Tragically, this is the most moving display of sentiment that I have ever recieved.

In other depressing news, another student asked me today, "Who is your valentine, Mrs. Petard?"

Another child replied, "Don't be stupid. It's her husband, of course."

Happy Valentine's Day, dear readership.


  • Lets list snappy comebacks.

    Today I was asked what I got my wife for Valentines Day. I replied, "Divorce papers." The look on the face was awesome!

    By Blogger c1150, at 8:10 PM  

  • Seriously? That's great. That's even better than my freshman year when I got 'let's see other peopled' on Valentine's Day, whilst bedridden with the flu. Bastard.

    By Blogger Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 6:23 PM  

  • Who "let's see other peopled" you? Not TROY? (I have always been jealous of you over him. He is the pimpled faced, tight jeans wearing boy of my dreams.)

    By Blogger Jean Luc Petard, at 7:01 PM  

  • Sorry, freshman year of college. Although Troy did 'let's just be friends' me just before bus dismissal. That's pretty lame. You can have him.

    By Blogger Dr Yakalumpf, PhD, at 7:12 PM  

  • Man, I'm sorry I missed this conversation. So not only on valentine's day, but shortly before your birthday, with the flu.

    See, I should have swooped in like a vulture and scooped you up, and then it could be us getting divorced :)

    By Blogger c1150, at 2:50 AM  

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